Eco Orange 32 oz.
Eco Orange 1 gallon
If you’d like to purchase larger-sized containers of Eco Orange, we also sell a 2.5-gallon and 5-gallon size. We also offer a 55-gallon drum size. We cannot sell these on Amazon at this time. Order by calling (970) 640-1348 or email tracy.r.dvorak@gmail.com.
What Our Happy Customers Have To Say
Thanks Eco Orange, you really are the World’s Greatest Cleaner!”
“How To” Videos
How to clean your shower/tub
Customer testimonial on hard water cleaning
What is Eco Orange?
How to get red juice out of carpet
How to clean a glass stovetop
How to clean auto rust
How to clean ink from walls
How to clean tile grout
How to clean grime/stains on garage floor
How to clean Nintendo games
How to clean your oven
Here are some actual questions asked by real people.
Eco Orange is a concentrate. What does that mean?
A 1 quart bottle (32. fl. oz.) of Eco Orange can make approximately 15 quarts of solution. That’s more than enough to last a year or two.
Is Eco Orange safe to use around children?
Is Eco Orange safe to use around pets?
Is Eco Orange a disinfectant/sanitizer?
• Disinfectant: Kills, destroys and inactivates germs dwelling on inanimate surfaces such as floors, countertops, etc.
• Sanitizer: Reduces or lessens germs on inanimate surfaces to levels considered food safe by public health codes.
Eco Orange contains orange oil (d-Limonene) and citrus extracts, the acids of which act as a NATURAL sanitizer without the harsh smells or toxic chemicals. Use it all day long to sanitize at a 15:1 ratio.
Eco Orange as a true disinfectant? We can’t make that claim because our formula does not contain bleach, phenols, ammonium compounds, or even hydrogen peroxide – all EPA-registered disinfectants with bleach or phenols being the gold standard.
If you want to make Eco a natural disinfectant, boil some water, pour into a spray bottle (be careful), add Eco Orange concentrate at 15:1. Spray and wipe. Take precautions to prevent scalding yourself when cleaning with this method.
If you absolutely need a one-time, true, medical-grade disinfectant solution for that rare occasion you’re countertop has been exposed to blood-borne pathogens, here’s how to turn Eco Orange into one.
Let’s say someone cuts their fingers chopping onions and it’s a gusher. You will want to add a capful of bleach to a 15:1 Eco dilution in a 26 oz. spray bottle. Spray the area, allow it to “dwell” for 5 minutes (according to the CDC), and wipe it down. It is absolutely safe to add bleach to Eco. No adverse chemical reaction will occur. Make sure to ventilate the area you plan to clean.
Does Eco Orange have a shelf life?
Maybe you bought a bottle years ago and it’s been hidden away in the garage. Well, guess what. It’s still good!
Because there are no harsh, dangerous chemicals in Eco Orange, the formula doesn’t degrade or become dangerous. The only thing we’ve observed with bottle of Eco Orange that are 10+ years old is that the orange color has faded.
Bottom line: Use it. There is no shelf life.
What does it mean that Eco Orange is biodegradable?
What are the recommended water dilution ratios?
Do you have any coupons or specials?
Does this work on stubborn patio umbrella mildew and stains; if so, at what concentration?
Start with 10:1 — go big at 5:1 if it’s super stubborn. Use it with an abrasive of some sort; one that is not colored so as not rub off on the umbrella. When you get stain and mildew on canvas that’s cooked in the sun for a long time, it can be a beast to remove. The struggle is real!
Happy Cleaning!
Is Eco Orange safe for natural stone?
Does Eco Orange work on artillery (shotgun) fungus?
Here’s the thing about artillery fungus, it will permanently stain, so even though Eco Orange kills the germs, spores and mold, it may not take away the stain depending on how aggravating the fungus is. Even straight bleach will fail at times to remove the stain if it’s bad. Your only choice after disinfecting the fungus, in such cases where the fungus leaves a stain, is to repaint.
Is Eco Orange safe to use in carpet cleaning or floor scrubbing type machines?
Eco Orange is absolutely safe in carpet cleaning machines. Just make sure to dilute with water AND clean/rinse out the reservoir(s) when you’re done with the job. Never let any cleaning product whether it’s Eco Orange or not sit in those machines for long periods between usage.
Does Eco Orange work in cleaning ovens?
Yes it does. Mix a 5:1 (5 parts water, 1 part Eco) solution. Spray it on the dirty surface. Soak it real good. Turn the oven on low 200-250 degrees F, and let it bake in for a bit, but not evaporate. If you have years of grime, we recommend using some sort of scrubbie or Magic Erase sponge and rub in a circular motion only putting as much pressure as needed.
Can you use Eco Orange on clothing to pre-treat stains?
WARNING: Never use Eco Orange on suede, satin or silk. That’s a no-no.
Will Eco Orange kill the HIV/strep virus in operating rooms?
We don’t advertise Eco Orange for use in hospital surgical suites or operating rooms. We do, however, sell Eco Orange to many doctor’s offices. Because medical facilities likely have specific medical-grade cleaning standards to prevent infection and contamination, we encourage you to check into those requirements.
With that said, Eco Orange does kill the HIV and strep virus, et al. The citrus acid and proprietary surfactants in Eco act as a natural disinfectant. This maybe heresy for us to even suggest this — you can safely add a capful of bleach to an Eco Orange dilution for good measure in an sterile environment. Again, we typically don’t suggest this because that goes against our all-natural, non-toxic, odorless cleaning mission.
What's the best way to use Eco Orange to clean tile floors?
If you’re mopping from a bucket, mix your Eco and water in there. There is no need to re-mop with clean water when done. There should be no film or residue left behind if your Eco is properly diluted.
If using a Swiffer mop, grab a spray bottle filled with Eco Orange and water dilution (15:1), spray the tile floor with it, and then mop it up with the Swiffer. If you have some serious baked-in grime on the tile, spray the Eco Orange mixture and let it sit for a minute; it should come right up when you mop.
If by chance you have porous tiles in which black gunk gets in those pores, a pass of the Swiffer won’t reach below tile surface level. And if you are a clean freak, it’s likely that those tiny dirty pores bother might bother you. We recommend that once or twice a year you spray Eco Orange mixture onto the porous tile and employ a Magic Erase sponge in a circular motion. No hard pressure is needed. It comes right out of those porous crevices. It’s amazing.
How about Eco Orange for termite deterrence around my home's perimeter?
We don’t typically advertise Eco Orange as a deterrent for termites, and especially something as serious as termites. We don’t want to be responsible if Eco Orange lets a few critters through. That would hang heavy on our conscience.
That said, to repel them spray a mixture of 2 parts water to 1 part Eco around your perimeter – the d-Limonene, which is in Eco Orange, is known to repel and deter.
Can you use Eco Orange in dishwashers?
1.) Eco Orange is a concentrated liquid and it can’t be properly diluted as required because dishwashers release all of the “chambered” detergent at one time.
2.) Dishwasher liquid soap has added viscosity properties in the blend, so it is designed to lather and give it the ability to “dwell” (linger, hang) on dishes before being rinsed away. Eco Orange Concentrate is not thick, aka viscous.
3.) Eco Orange is not cost effective to use in a dishwasher… BUT if you want to pre-soak something in a 10:1 Eco solution? Now you’re talking MAGIC.
To boost scent, can I add essential oils to Eco Orange without harm or reducing effectiveness?
Add to your heart’s (and nose’s) content.
I've heard that many churches and community centers buy Eco Orange. Is there a special reason?
We have many disparate businesses and industries that buy Eco Orange. When queried, we have found out that churches and community centers like to use our product because of all the folks frequenting such places. Many people these days have myriad health problems, sensitivities and allergies and so it’s important to go with a nontoxic, mildly-scented cleaner to cater to everyone’s safety.
If you have a moment, read this testimony we received a few month ago:
I used to work at a newspaper company that used Pine-Sol to clean bathrooms, mop the floors, etc., and many tolerated it fine, but for some it made them nauseous, gave them headaches and/or watery eyes. It actually became a human resources issue. Eco Orange would have been a welcome solution back then. — Jenny H., Scranton, PA
Can you use Eco Orange to hand-wash dishes?
Can you use Eco Orange in a pressure washer?
For your job, we recommend 15:1 or 10:1 (10 parts water and 1 part cleaner). It doesn’t have to be an exact science – you can eyeball these things.
We use Eco Orange in our pressure washer to clean the siding of our house and our painted garage floor. In areas where there is auto fluid leak spots, we let it sit for a bit and then use a long handled floor brush and scrub it away.
What surfaces can you use Eco Orange on?
What CAN'T you use Eco Orange on?
How does Eco Orange work on stains?
What are the main ingredients in Eco Orange?
Without getting too scientific and throwing down some big words that are hard to pronounce, Eco Orange contains:
• Cold-Pressed Orange Oil, which contains more than 90% D-Limonene, a biodegradable solvent AND degreaser.
• A mild mineral-based cleanser and brightener
• A natural surfactant, which allows the solution to penetrate the surface or material you are cleaning
All of the ingredients are naturally-derived.
What it DOES NOT contain — SLS, glycols, ethers, butyl, dyes, phosphates, dioxane, caustics, chlorine, DEA or formaldehyde.
Eco Orange is safe and non-toxic for you and your family.
What is cold-pressed orange oil?
Among other non-toxic ingredients, Eco Orange contains oil collected from an orange citrus peel during juice extraction. It is “cold-pressed” meaning that NO heat is applied during the process thus preserving the integrity of the oil.
Fact: Cold-Pressed Orange Oil, which contains more than 90% D-Limonene, is a biodegradable solvent AND degreaser.
Is Eco Orange pure orange oil?
No. It contains some orange oil. And “some” is all you need
When you combine that with our special non-toxic, natural ingredients and surfactants, it makes for a darn powerful all-purpose cleaner AND degreaser, because as you know orange oil is a natural solvent and degreaser
Is Eco Orange safe to ingest?
Do not ingest any cleaning product. Period.
If someone were to swallow our Eco Orange concentrate, drink a glass of milk or water and contact the American Association of Poison Control Centers’ 24-hour hotline at (800) 222-1222. Even non-toxic ingredients may be harmful if swallowed. That’s why we have a child-proof twist cap on our product. Please keep Eco Orange out of reach from children.
Do you have any special discounts going on?
Is Eco Orange safe for septic tanks?
Where is Eco Orange made?
Has Eco Orange ever been tested on animals?
Is Eco Orange available at retail stores?
What's the best way to use Eco Orange on lime scale?
Lime scale, also known as hard water stains, is probably one of the most toughest jobs for any cleaner. Lime scale happens, for example, when the accumulated water after a shower evaporates and leaves behind natural deposits like minerals on a glass shower door. Soap scum then attaches to it and the problem becomes exacerbated.
Up the potency to 1 part Eco Orange to 5 parts water. Next go buy an abrasive (even Eco Orange needs a little help sometimes). We recommend super-fine grade steel wool #0000. You can find it at most hardware stores like Home Depot. Spray Eco on the area, let it soak in and GENTLY scrub with the wool. Only go as hard as you need to and watch for potential scratching. It is an abrasive so go easy with the elbow grease.
Because Eco Orange is all-natural, there are no caustic chemicals to burn through the lime scale. We think that’s a good thing. Caustic chemicals like ammonia or Lime Away have VOCs and off-gassing, though they will eat through certain stains. In summation, on certain jobs Eco Orange needs a little help in the form of an abrasive (green scrubby, steel wool, Magic Erase sponge) to increase its effectiveness while still keeping your family and surfaces safe.
Is Eco Orange safe for real hardwood floors?
Can you use Eco Orange on laminate floors?
How do I remove tree sap from a granite walkway?
Grab a 16-ounce (pint) empty spray bottle. Add 3 ounces of Eco Orange. Fill the rest with warm or even hot water. Spray on the area nice and good. Let it soak for a minute or two, and wipe. That should get the job done. As you already know, please don’t use a scrubbie pad or any abrasive on that beautiful granite.
Will Eco Orange kill fire ants?
Does Eco Orange have a strong citrus scent?
I want to spray Eco Orange around my yard to deter stray cats. What is the correct dilution for the yard?
We don’t advertise Eco Orange as a cat deterrent in yards or anywhere for that matter. In fact, we heavily promote Eco Orange as being pet-friendly. As such, animals won’t in anyway be repulsed or endangered by Eco Orange no matter the dilution. However, we’re not surprised that folks want to use our versatile cleaning agent for cross-purposes.
While it’s been documented that cats don’t like citrus, citronella, eucalyptus, lavender, and vinegar, try using Eco Orange at 10:1 and add vinegar to it; that sounds like a lethal smelling potion. Though unsightly, you could also try sprinkling actual orange and lemon peels in the cat-traveled areas of your yard — maybe a combination of all the above for a full frontal assault on those pesky strays. We have also heard that lavender Febreze sprayed in the areas you want to protect might work.
Bottom line: Eco Orange could be an expensive solution to this problem. Stick to using it for cleaning.
The bottle Eco Orange I ordered did not come with a heat foil seal. Instead it had a red plastic cup in the top of the bottle - almost like the seal was removed. Is this proper packaging?

Is Eco Orange safe to use on leather couches?
Does Eco Orange remove rust stains?
And remember: There’s no such thing as a dumb question.
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